Every Picture Tells a Story http://www.everypicture.com/ is one of the most unique stores in the Los Angeles area; part book store, part illustration gallery, and all kids’ books. Naturally I love it. So, when I heard Oliver Jeffers, (one of the best and brightest talents working today) would be reading from his new book THE HEART IN THE BOTTLE, I was more than a little excited. Jeffer's presentation included an amazing performance where he drew the spreads for his book THE GREAT PAPER CAPER in real time while another person read it for him. Seriously impressive! After that, he taught us how to make paper airplanes and we had a contest to see who could throw theirs the farthest. Mine didn't win. But then, mine was like two inches big and all those west side kids are crazy competitive. Note to self: contact the bear in the PAPER CAPER's forest for some folding lessons.
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